Board Diversity

27% women on industry fund boards but averages can be misleading

AIST has set a target for not-for-profit super funds to have a minimum of 40% of each gender on their boards by 2017. Industry Moves has taken a close look at 40 of the top industry super funds to find out how they're tracking. The results may surprise you.

People on the Move

2015 Industry Moves Overview - women close the gap on board appointments

In our analysis of over 1000 reported moves added to the Industry Moves online database in 2015, we found an 11% increase in reported appointments since 2014 and a 37% increase since 2013.

People on the move

2015 - Industry Moves Year in Review

In 2015 we brought you 1,150 moves comprising 635 appointments and 415 departures.


Four sensational Mos in support of men's health

Industry Moves was delighted to add its support to Movember and industry gents Tony McDonald, Damian Lillicrap, Mr Incognito & Joe Marassa who each grew a Mo as part of the campaign to change the face of men's health. Their Mos were sensational but one in particular caught our eye...

Calling all Mos

A Movember call out for all Mos

Industry Moves is adding its support to those of you in the finance industry who have joined Movember by publishing your 'before' shots with a link through to your donations page.

Spotlight on DOC

Spotlight on Day of Confrontation and Fund of the Year

Industry Moves was a media sponsor at this week's Day of Confrontation (DOC) in Sydney.

Independent Directors

Spotlight on Industry Funds - Independent Directors

With the current focus on the proposal to mandate one-third independent directors in 2016, Industry Moves takes a closer look at the board make-up of 30 of Australia's largest industry super funds and lists the number - and names - of the independent directors and chairs.

Libby Newman & Adam Gee

Awards, surprises, first jobs & more! Q&A with Lonsec's Libby Newman & SuperRatings' Adam Gee

Last week, nominees were announced for both the SuperRatings' and Lonsec Fund of the Year Awards.