Q&A with Towers Watson's new Senior Investment Consultant

Paul Taylor has been appointed as a senior investment consultant in Towers Watson's Melbourne office. Taylor tells Industry Moves what he hopes to bring to the new role as well as some sage advice he once received. He also shares two of his 'secret' talents.


Paul Taylor has been appointed as a senior investment consultant in Towers Watson's Melbourne office. Taylor tells Industry Moves what he hopes to bring to the new role as well as some sage advice he once received. He also shares two of his 'secret' talents.

What are you most looking forward to in your new role?

Working alongside some of Australia's leading superannuation funds to help them deliver high quality investment outcomes to their members.

How have your previous roles prepared you for this role?

Having always worked for organisations that are very client-focused and committed to client outcomes means I can seamlessly fit into the Towers Watson team. Also, having advised a variety of different clients across differing market conditions both in Australia and overseas will help bring insights to client portfolios beyond consensus thinking.

What is one of the best pieces of advice you've ever been given?

Never invest in anything that you don't understand.

Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? And why?

A bit of both - I really enjoy meeting with clients and working in a team environment but I'm also a fan of a good spreadsheet!

What was your very first job?

Selling drinks at the cricket.

Do you have a secret skill/hidden talent?

I used to breed (and sell) tropical fish as well as call statistics at the AFL (though not at the same time).