Q&A with new Executive Director of Implemented Portfolios

Implemented Portfolios has announced that former managing director of BlackRock Australia, Adam Seccombe, has joined the firm as a full-time executive director. Adam tells Industry Moves what he is most looking forward to in his new role and about his very first job in the South of France.


Implemented Portfolios has announced that former managing director of BlackRock Australia, Adam Seccombe, has joined the firm as a full-time executive director. Adam tells Industry Moves what he is most looking forward to in his new role and about his very first job in the South of France.

What are you most looking forward to in the new role?

Very excited about working with a new team of dedicated professionals focussed on some fresh ideas and who have already started to generate some momentum.

How have your previous roles prepared you for this role?

My passion for ETFs is well known and in many respects I am more aware than ever of the disruption they can allow. This should help in the context of what promises to be a period of significant change.

What is one of the best pieces of advice you have ever been given?

Never say "what if" looking backwards, only forwards. We cannot alter the past. However, in the present we have the gift of decision making with which to shape a future we want to see.

Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? And why?

Definitely an extrovert; I really enjoy the company of others: both in the work environment and outside.

What was your very first job?

Selling peanuts on the beach in South of France - unfortunately the summer eventually came to an end...

Do you have a secret skill/hidden talent?

I am a self confessed cricket tragic. With my playing days firmly behind me I only love one thing more than umpiring and that is sitting under the shade of a tree keeping score while offering a running commentary to anyone who will listen. NB my Australian Citizenship did come through just before the last Ashes series!

Is there a particular charity or cause that you support?

As a volunteer with the Beacon Foundation I do strongly encourage other business managers to connect themselves and their people into the hopes and dreams of school children from our less well off communities. The awful socio economic statistics that surround children who leave public schools before year 12 really needs our attention. Furthermore the rewards of spending a bit of time within a structured format to help nurture the ambition and commitment of these Australian young people is significant - for volunteers and students. Find out more at https://beaconfoundation.com.au