Q&A with EISS' new Head of Distribution

Andrew Kennedy has joined Energy Industry Super Scheme (EISS) as head of distribution following his departure from Genesys Wealth Advisers. His answers to our Q&A include, "Do what you say you're going to do" and "the fact I survive... every Saturday is a super human achievement".


Andrew Kennedy has joined Energy Industry Super Scheme (EISS) as head of distribution following his departure from Genesys Wealth Advisers. His answers to our Q&A include, "Do what you say you're going to do" and "the fact I survive... every Saturday is a super human achievement".

What are you most looking forward to in your new role?

This role provides a great opportunity to lead the distribution component of an exciting growth strategy in an Industry Fund. Where through education and advice, we aim to not only enhance the Member and Employer experience, ultimately we are endeavouring to increase their engagement with their superannuation assets to take greater control of their financial future.

What skill do you think is paramount in working in the financial services industry?

Patience is a virtue. You will need to exercise some patience and take time to listen and learn from those who have been there and done it before. There are some fantastic people in this industry with years and years of practical experience who are more than willing to share and mentor those willing to listen.

If you could give advice to someone starting out in the industry what would it be?

Do what you say you are going to do. In general terms the products, providers and offers are largely the same. Therefore, your personal brand and your commitment to delivering a quality personal experience to an employer or client will differentiate you from the rest.

Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? And why?

My natural tendency is to play more in the extrovert space being in and around people, being part of a team and relishing the opportunity to meet new people and hear their story.

What was your very first job?

While studying I worked as a kitchen hand scrubbing pots and pans. Subsequently, moving to the financial services industry was an easy transition as you work with the volatility of markets opposed to the volatility of a head chef.

Do you have a secret skill/hidden talent?

Not as such. However, I have been coaching kids soccer for some 10yrs and while I have enjoyed some success. The fact that I survive the kids every Saturday is a super human achievement in itself.